Thursday, February 4, 2010

Puerto Rican Pals

In the past few days I have had an adventure or two that I would’ve preferred to skip, an ice cream bar that I would prefer to have again, and a class or two I’d love to drop. But the real reason I’m writing is to share my news.

On Monday I got a call saying another girl was supposed to have my fridge and that I needed to take it to her. Frustrated beyond belief I told them I’d figure it out that night. I was reluctantly preparing to surrender my fridge, but first went grocery shopping with Holly (California) and Sarahi (Mexico). At the very least I needed to buy some other food to snack on since my morning milk and cereal ritual would quickly disappear. While shopping, Sarahi was telling me how much she didn’t like her roommates. They are 3 girls who are best friends, and don’t include her in anything. More often than not you can go in the first floor lobby and she will be there watching TV, admitting that she tries to avoid her room during the week. I told her that since I don’t have a roommate, if she wants to, just bring her stuff on down. She didn’t really say anything so I didn’t think too much on it.

After shopping and finally hauling our stuff to our rooms, she came up to me and asked if she could move in, to which my response was, “Of course!” Since it was later in the evening she brought the food over that she bought and put it in the fridge (she was the girl who was supposed to get it) and decided to move the rest of her stuff tomorrow. While I was extremely nervous, I was pretty darn excited too. I talk to Sarahi quite often and I really like her. The first day that we met we made a pact that if she said something wrong in English, I would correct her, and if I said something wrong in Spanish, she would correct me. I decided to teach her what a spork is. Everyone needs to know what one is!

On Tuesday I helped her move all of her stuff over one room, and she got all settled in. Since there is no internet in the dorms right now, we just hung out and talked about family, boyfriends, school, pets, etc. I’m really enjoying her being my roommate and glad that it happened. So in summary, the new addition to room 506 is Sarahi, who loves dogs, the beach, art, dancing, and singing. She is a music/art major and is joining a jazz band while here and teaching Holly and me how to salsa (cuz Lord knows I can’t dance to anything…at all). And the main goal of room 506? For us to actually get homework in a class and to stop sleeping til noon. And what about the Coca-Cola addiction? Ah yes, it’s her favorite drink too. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a match made in Heaven.Knew you had a winning way about two have great fun :)
