Monday, February 8, 2010

Playing in Puerto Rico

I am hoping to add some more photos soon, but it seems the lack of internet on campus is preventing it. Neverless, I wanted to write a bit about my weekend, and one of the first major adventures I have had while here.
Each month Ricardo takes the exchange students on a field trip and Friday was our first one. We got up early and drove to Cabo Rojo to go ocean kayaking. There were chickens running around everywhere and I really wanted to make one my kayak hood ornament then snack on him around lunchtime. Really, what's better than friend turned feast? Continuing, the kayaks were doubles so we got paired up. In my kayak it was myself and Kristi (Louisiana/North Carolina). We started out kayaking around the little bay and eventually ventured out a bit farther, though often times had to form a single line so we would not hit the shallow reefs. The water was so clear and we were at one of the top 5 nicest beaches on the island, Buye. You could see 10-15 ft down, as well as the reefs. I must admit that I was a bit dissapointed, as I thought that all reefs were very brightly colored. I suppose I just read "The Rainbow Fish" a time or two when I was little.
Moving on with the day, we got out several times and swam around the area and even stopped at a spot where we climbed up this hill and overlooked the whole bay/area. It was amazing! We had to be careful walking though as PR has these huge cacti that grow in places and if you step on a prickle, you pretty much get a first class trip to the local hospital.
After kayaking (and being ridiculously worn out!) we left and went to eat at a local restaurant where I got my typical white rice with beans and amarillos (fried plaintains). We all crashed in the bus on the way home and went to bed around 7 pm.
Lucky for us the adventure did not end on Friday though! Saturday was the 98th anniversary of the Inter schools in PR which was being celebrated in Guayama. A few of us decided to go to this (actually eveyone but Holli because she had sun blisters...ouch). The morning only frustrated us all and made us want to quit. We got to the bus on time (6:30 am) but didn't leave until 7:50 am. On the back of the bus were who we called the "Screamers;" a group of middle aged friends that screamed every chance they got. Especially when we hit any bump. Naturally, the bus broke down and we had to switch, but eventually made it there. The campus was gorgeous! Clean, new, close together, and internet everywhere. They even had little courtyards for the students to work in. But they had tents set up everywhere. There was a center stage where bands played all day and friends danced the salsa, and this area was considered the middle. The tents to the right were all free goodies (nabbed them all) and the tents to the left were food vendors and artisans. I did buy myself a new purse. I just couldn't resist. It was very hot that day, shocker, but fun. We got free lunch, music, drinks and food, and there was even an area for the kids...or me. They had free cotton candy, popcorn, face painting, video games, moon jumps, other inflatables, and a kid's stage. We didn't stay in this area long as we went to watch a jazz band with Sarahi and eventually the closing finale where we all got free cupcakes. While here we met a new friend, Jone, who goes to San German and is pretty darn cool. He wants to teach me to skateboard, but Mom, obviously you didn't read this.
At the end of the day we reloaded on the bus, in front of the screamers again, and headed home. Slightly toasty from the sun, as we expected to be indoors, but all around a great day. We even stayed awake on the way home to see some scenery. It was a great weekend and I'm glad we got to head out of San German and see some stuff. And to end, I've never really been good at conclusions so....the end.
Oh, and there are no football chanels here so I got to watch Titanic instead. Darn you, Jack.

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