Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pleasant in Puerto Rico

It seems it has been quite a while since I have last written and I feel an update is in order. I have not been to the usual coffee shop lately (found a new one that has whip cream straight from the Heavens) so unfortunately I don’t have any new pictures to add.
As for a short update of what all is going on, Garrett will be getting here in 10 days and I’m super excited, but I think that the lady that we tried to rent a beach apartment with ripped us off. I’m hoping no but not sure, especially since the only hotel in San German costs around $80 a night and I am car-less. Pretty stoked about taking him to the beach  And as for my momma, she is coming during my spring break and we’re gonna rent a car and travel a bit. I want to show both of them the Bioluminescent Bay and obviously the ocean. Since mom is coming during my spring break the town will be empty (it’ll be a weekend anyways so what’s new) but at least I’ll be able to show her around.
Onto life. I do not have one particular story to tell as nothing major has happened since my last post, so I suppose I will just tell a few little things I have done. My roommate and I have been hanging out quite a bit, which I’m loving, and she even suckered me into going to a school dance. There was a meringue band and it was so much fun, though all of the girls had prom dresses on. Ack! During the week and weekends to go what is called “chinchoriando.” This is pretty much going from bar to bar, but not like Louisville’s bars. These things have no AC, and open front, and pool tables. We usually prefer to do this during the week since there are literally less than 20 students that stay on campus during weekends, but on Fridays and Saturdays we just get too darn bored and start walking. I usually target a pool table and convince someone to play me…I have yet to win (obviously Uncle Chuck’s billiards teaching when I was little didn’t pay off too well. Glad I didn’t target professional). But through this I have met a lot of new people, like a girl Lisbet who lives in the 2nd floor, and Angel the office worker who has an attitude and cracks me up, and Jean who lives on my floor and thinks it’s way too noisy also. It seems I have also met a ton of music majors and they invited me to go to their orchestra performance last night. Oh it was fantastic! The music sounded great, there was free food afterword, I met a ton of families and I even got to go celebrate the end of their concert with them. The celebration consisted of playing pool at a local bar, and I had a blast! Some of the other girls were at a surf competition in Rincon but I didn’t have a ride. Concert was way cool though!
Other than these things there is not too much going on. Classes are the same and we’re approaching mid-term time but my teachers are being lenient enough when it comes to language barriers, and I have even picked up some boriquen (Puerto Rican Spanish) but this is manly cuz when we are “chinchoriando” everyone thinks it’s funny to try to teach me new words. Nevertheless I am learning more! The last thing I really have to mention is Puerto Rico’s “drink of choice” which is Coca-Cola. Perfect for me! But now, off to study. Two quizzes tomorrow along with some other homework, and I still have to walk and buy some milk so I stop taking Sarahi’s!!!

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