Sunday, January 24, 2010

Puerto Rican Peanuts

I learned a very important weekend lesson my first Saturday here; getting bored and eating the majority of a can of peanuts, then followed by some peanut butter, then ending with an apple and peanut butter does not present a very enjoyable experience in the morning.
Regarding the weekends here, saying that the majority of people go home is an understatement. There are less than 20 people that stay on the weekends and the rest go home to visit family. The good part about this is there are less girls screaming from the fifth floor to the first floor trying to get people's attention.
Some of our girls went on a trip this weekend to Ponce, about an hour from here. Kristi and myself hung out here, as the details were a tad too sketchy for us. All of the girls may now be planning a weekend to San Juan this coming weekend, but I feel like a chicken for being the one hesitant to go (and the poor one who doesn't wanna pay for a hotel room). With no classes on Friday the weekends last a bit longer, which will be nicer once I get to meet some more people. This weekend consisted of chilling in coffee shops and bars, walking around downtown, catching up on the Office online, oh yea, and that thing called homework.
Other than that not too much has happened here. Ricardo is planning a group trip to the beach on Feb. 5th, so everyone's pretty stoked about that. I've tried to start taking some pics, but don't have enough to upload yet. Hopefully soon.
And as an ending, while no surprise, it is still a good 2 million degrees here and the coke in the shower trick is not as successful as I was hoping.

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